Page 26 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 26

24                      Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization

                 •  Eni aims to reduce its carbon footprint also by exploiting
                   CO -TO-Oil technology which captures CO  in order to produce
                      2                              2
                   a third generation biofuel. This is a new technology based on
                   the cultivation of micro algae in bio-reactors which produce a
                   bio-algal oil suitable for use in a Green Refinery. The technology
                   is being developed in Ragusa and the plant’s start-up is expected
                   in April 2017.
                 •  Eni is developing Waste-to-Fuel processes able to transform the
                   organic part of solid urban waste (FORSU) into bio-oils to feed
                   into the refining cycle in order to obtain biofuels. The technology’s
                   development stage on a pilot scale has been completed at the
                   Novara Research Centre.

                 | Green chemistry

                 Chemistry from renewable       from renewable sources. These   in more stable market segments.
                 sources is a strategic sector   are then integrated with those   Among the projects already
                 for Eni’s medium-to-long       from traditional fossil sources   launched, mention must be
                 term development, especially   and partly usable for the same   made of the Porto Torres and
                 because it focuses on innovative   market applications that are   Porto Marghera programs for
                 technologies that are not readily   predominantly fossil-based   developing renewable products
                 available on the market and uses   today. This aim is crucial for Eni   for application sectors with
                 raw materials, such as biomass,   to pursue the development of   high added value and, in some
                 vegetable oils and second      sustainable chemistry.        cases, connected to Chemistry
                 generation sugars that are less   The new projects will broaden the   businesses or to hydrocarbon
                 susceptible to market volatility.   portfolio of products considerably,   exploration and production
                 These can be integrated upstream   improving the Company’s   activities. These include
                 through agricultural chains.   resistance to difficult competitive   applications for oilfield chemicals,
                 The aim is to identify sustainable   scenarios where price level is the   bio-lubricants, bio-plastics,
                 chains and technologies in     key variable in sales policies and   detergents, cosmetics and
                 order to obtain intermediates   consolidating Versalis’s presence   medical applications.

                 •  Project for the production of natural latex, dry rubber and Guayule resin which includes the development
                   of the whole agricultural chain and aims to use all the plant components. Cultivations are being
                   experimented in Basilicata and Sicily.
                 •  Technological joint venture (80% Versalis) with the biotechnology company Genomatica for the
                   production of butadiene from vegetable raw materials. This project was given the Environmental
                   Achievement Award by the Tire Technology Committee.
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