Page 32 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 32

30                      Eni for 2016  |  Operating model

                 ˛ Local Eni people in the upstream sector

                     14%                            19%                        65%                Local

                                   86%                            81%                         35%

                    Countries with historical    Countries with an intermediate  Recent entry Countries
                         presence                      presence

                 In overall terms, despite a slight   of total employment overseas   the line-by-line method ,
                 reduction in resources (-5%)   has increased since 2015,     local resources overseas have
                 recorded in 2016 compared with   moving from 84.5%           increased by 1,676 compared
                 the previous year, the percentage   to 84.7%. For companies that   with 2015, leaving the incidence
                 of local staff out             are not consolidated with     on total employment the same.

                 ˛ Ratio between Eni minimum wage policy and market minimum wage (1  decile)
                     (middle manager - senior staff – employee)

                                                                                     global average

                   100-115      116-130      131-150       151-180       >180

                  Italy, Belgium,   Austria, China  Libya, Norway,   Algeria, Angola,   Egypt, Indonesia,
                  France, Germany,           Russia, Tunisia  Australia, Ecuador,  Iraq, Mozambique,
                  Netherlands,                            Kazakhstan,   Nigeria, Pakistan,
                  United Kingdom,                         United States  Vietnam
                  Spain, Switzerland,

                 Equal opportunities is also    of the percentage of women    (senior and middle managers),
                 one of the main guidelines     in managerial positions       reaching 24.06%.
                 for managing personnel.
                 In 2016 the number of women
                 working in Eni declined            In 2016 women held
                 slightly more than the total
                 population trend. This was also    24% of management positions and
                 due to the more favourable
                 retirement conditions,             14% of senior management positions.
                 particularly in Italy. However,                     24
                 the initiatives launched to        The pay gap  between women and
                 support equal opportunities
                 have led to continued growth       men in 2016 was 97%

                 23) These include JVs and non-consolidated subsidiaries and Joint Operations consolidated using the proportional method in line with IFRS/11.
                 24) The pay gap is calculated as the ratio between women’s average salary and men’s, at the same position and seniority level.
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