Page 35 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 35

                                                                       Eni for 2016  |  Operating model



                 Eni considers the safety of people its priority and this is why it implements all the actions needed to reduce
                 accident rates and eliminate fatalities. In 2016, the main actions involved:

                   Promoting the    Allocating internal   Promoting and   Implementing the   Promoting actions
                   identification,   skills, taught   spreading the    Process Safety   to improve
                   analysis and     in the Safety     safety culture   Management       emergency
                   reporting of Near   Competence     using initiatives   System, related   training and
                   Misses  and      Center in Gela, in   such as Road   audits and      response.
                   Unsafe Conditions   the different Italian   Shows, “Use your   performance
                   in order to reduce   and overseas sites   Head”, "Safety   indicators.
                   the causes of    and the start of   Day” and the
                   accidents and    the Safety Training   "Inside Lesson
                   injuries.        Center’s activities.  Learned” project.

                 In 2016, the total recordable injury rate (TRIR)  continued to improve for both employees and contractors.
                 For the global workforce, there was a recorded decrease of 20.8% compared to 2015, with the rate falling from
                 0.45 to 0.35. Despite this improved trend in 2016, 2 fatal accidents occurred to contractors in Egypt and Congo.

                 ˛ Total recordable injury rate (TRIR)
                   (total recordable injuries/hours worked) x 1,000,000

                         TRIR Workforce                TRIR Employees             TRIR Contractors

                   2016                0.35     2016               0.36     2016                   0.35

                   2015                0.45     2015               0.41     2015                   0.47
                   2014                 0.71    2014               0.56     2014                   0.79

                 ˛ Injuries by days of absence

                     No. of employee injuries  No. of contractor injuries

                        1-3  4-9  10-29  30-39  >40
                          No. of days of absence due to injury

                 26) Incidental events that did not result in damage or injury due to luck or favourable circumstances or to the mitigating intervention of technical and/or
                 organizational protection systems.
                 27) Injury rates are calculated on Work Related events.
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40