Page 37 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 37

                                                                       Eni for 2016  |  Operating model

                 | Emergency prevention and management

                 Eni continues to plan and     with company procedures.       oil spill emergencies
                 implement emergency           Many initiatives have been set   (see “Managing oil spills”
                 drills involving all the      up to improve support during   on page 37).
                 departments concerned,
                 from the intervention teams
                 to specialized contractors,                                                   29
                 from the authorities to top        Around 50 drills (Level 2 and 3 )
                 management. The process is         were carried out in 2016 with the
                 under continuous improvement
                 in order to validate the           involvement of top management
                 necessary experience in line

                              ˛  COLLABORATION WITH THE CIVIL
                                PROTECTION DEPARTMENT

                 In 2016 Eni supported the Italian Civil Protection   departments involved to support the populations
                 Department during the earthquake emergency in   affected and an increase in emergency technical
                 central Italy, providing fuel for the rescuers’ base   assistance. To improve its ability to respond to civil
                 camps in Amatrice, Sommati and Norcia.      protection emergencies, Eni has set up a stock of fuel
                 The continuation of the shocks and the harsh winter   tanks that can be deployed across the territory
                 conditions required assistance from all the Eni   in the event of a natural disaster.

                 To minimize operational risk,   On this point Eni has not    attempted to keep fundamental
                 Eni believes that prevention and   followed the trend of     technical skills inside the
                 combining skills and technologies   outsourcing which has been   Company, particularly with
                 are fundamental in order to   rife in the industry over the last   regard to drilling, management
                 ensure safety in operations.   two decades, and instead has   and maintenance.

                 Eni is a leader in the development of technologies to maximize in-house safety, from the proof of concept
                 to design and patent application. In recent years, Eni’s use of innovative technologies and its approach
                 have reduced the probability of accidents by one order of magnitude compared to its peers (one event
                 in 100,000 wells as opposed to one event in 10,000 wells), and Eni has set itself the objective of reducing
                 it by another.

                 29) Drills to manage different levels of emergency. Level 2 refers to emergencies that can be managed locally with the aid of the central business
                 functions/foreign subsidiary and/or of public authorities and administrations on a peripheral level.
                 Level 3 can lead to a situation of serious danger with the activation of the emergency plan and/or the emergency team of the business units, and/or, for
                 sites at risk of serious accidents, the central authorities and public administrations. It may be necessary for Eni to coordinate the technical and specialist
                 support available in the various business units centrally.
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