Page 38 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 38

36                      Eni for 2016  |  Operating model

                  Respect for

                  the environment

                 Eni operates in very different   plants and production units.  environment and which achieved
                 geographical contexts which    Sustainability and performance   the best performances, enhancing
                 require specific assessments   objectives are monitored and   positive examples and fostering a
                 of the environmental aspects in   managed on a six-monthly basis.   spirit of healthy competition.
                 order to minimize the impact of   Eni set up the Environment Award
                 its activities. To ensure a uniform   in 2016. Starting from 2017 this
                 approach that adheres to the best   new award will run alongside   ISO 14001
                 technologies and international   the Safety Award, rewarding
                 practices, Eni adopts an integrated   the operating realities, people   Certification program
                 health, safety and environment   and teams that develop the best   completed in 2016 for all
                 Management System in all its   ideas and projects to protect the   relevant production sites

                 | Efficient use of water

                 For years Eni has recorded     for thermal cooling. Fresh    the production of electricity
                 rather low consumption of      water is used (approximately   and only a small part (8.2%)
                 fresh water, thanks to the use   130 million m ) essentially in   is used in the upstream sector.
                 of sea water (over 90%) mainly   downstream production and

                 ˛ Water withdrawals
                   Million m 3
                   2016                                                   130 / 12 / 1,710  Fresh water
                                                                                            Salt water from
                   2015                                                   157 / 13 / 1,634  subsoil or surface
                                                                                            Sea water
                   2014                                                   160 / 10 / 1,704

                   ˛ of which fresh water
                        Million m 3
                                                               In 2016 only 5% of fresh water

                                                               withdrawals were situated in
                       160           157         130
                                                               areas of water stress

                        2014         2015        2016
   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43