Page 39 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 39

                                                                       Eni for 2016  |  Operating model

                 Eni performs an annual mapping   52% in the rest of world). In the   58%
                 and monitoring of water risks and   downstream sector, reclamation
                 drought scenarios caused by   waters are re-evaluated for use
                 climate change in order to    by the subsidiary company      reinjected water in 2016
                 define long-term prevention and   Syndial, making large volumes of
                 mitigation actions.           water available for industrial use
                                               through its groundwater treatment
                 Nearly all the withdrawals    plants (TAF). Over the next 4  72%
                 from areas of water stress are
                 concentrated in the upstream   years, these volumes of water will
                                                                              target by 2020
                 sector and specific water     comprehensively increase from
                 management plans are used to   3.5 to 5.0 million m /year. The
                 reduce consumption. In these   petrochemical sector, responsible  ˛  Over 83% of fresh water
                 areas, for example, the share of   for over ¾ of all of Eni’s fresh      withdrawals are recycled
                 reinjected reservoir water is higher   water withdrawals, achieved
                 that the Eni average (65-100%   a fresh water re-circulation/  ˛  +10% over the last 5 years
                 compared to an average of     re-utilization rate of 88% in 2016.

                 Over the next 10 years, Eni estimates spending €700 million to improve the performance of current water
                 treatment technologies, in terms of efficiency and costs. Eni has developed a research program that aims
                 to: reduce the energy consumption required, reduce waste volumes, reduce the consumption of soil and
                 increase water recycling. The proprietary device for aquifer reclamation was improved in 2016 and two
                 innovative materials for absorbing hydrocarbon spills were tested.
                 The application protocol for Eni’s passive biomimetic samples was made the official method of analysis
                 by the CNR’s Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque (IRSA).

                 | Oil spill management

                                                                       €37.1 million
                 The volume of operational oil spills is decreasing thanks
                 to various interventions carried out on the assets, such as
                                                                        Invested in 2016 in oil spill prevention
                 the gradual replacement of the pipelines and work on the
                 tanks (double bottoms, tank vitrification).

                 ˛ Oil spill (>1bbl)
                     Operational  From sabotage

                             Volumes of oil spills                       Number of events

                     2016                      1,159 / 4,489      2016                         82 / 156
                     2015                     1,634 / 14,847      2015                         83 / 167
                     2014                       1,161 / 14,401    2014                        76 / 286
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