Our integrated model

We have adopted an integrated operational model which allows us to oversee each phase of the remediation process, planning right from the earliest stages projects for the regeneration and reuse of resources.

We integrate sustainability into all aspects of our work

We use our integrated, end-to-end model to oversee every stage of the remediation process, planning from the earliest stages projects to regenerate and reuse resources (soil, water, waste), making them available for new sustainable development opportunities. We integrate the principles of environmental sustainability and apply the best technologies on the market when carrying out our activities, to maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of our interventions. To achieve this, we collaborate with Eni's research centres and leading national and international universities and institutes, inspired by the values of innovation and technological excellence. We encourage dialogue and discussion with all stakeholders so that our projects translate into concrete opportunities for the territories in which we operate.

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Our circular approach 

In the most industrialised countries, the traditional linear economy is giving way to a more sustainable, responsible and inclusive economy, that recovers, regenerates and reuses natural resources and manufactured goods in its production processes. As Eni's environmental company, we have identified strategic objectives and initiatives to contribute to the transition to the new circular economy. This involves combining environmental activities with the recovery and remediation of soil, water, industrial and organic waste, through their efficient management, in synergy with local communities.

This commitment is reflected in all the sites where we operate, some of which have already become virtuous examples of applied circularity: Assemini and Porto Torres house renewable energy plants, in Ravenna, the Ponticelle Project foresees the conversion of a brownfield into a hub for sustainable remediation, waste valorisation and green energy production and Gela was chosen to host a pilot plant to test the Waste to Fuel technology, which transforms biomass waste into bio-oil and biomethane, with water recovery.

The trial phase, that includes the use of municipal waste (up to 100kg per day) from the greater Ragusa area, ended in April 2022 in line with the permission granted by the institutions.  Our commitment for the development of the Waste to Fuel technology falls within the scope of our Waste Management projects for the development of treatment plants in a market seriously lacking in infrastructure,promoting initiatives, in the collective interest, in our reclaimed areas that have been made accessible anew.


Eni for the circular economy

Integrating sustainability into remediation requires the capability to regenerate what has been created in the past and give it new life.

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Our commitment to the environment and safety

Respect for the environment is central to Eni Rewind’s sustainable development vision. It is the foundation of an operating model that stands out for the efficient use and valuing of natural resources and waste. This is why we are committed to ensuring that all activities are carried out in accordance with international agreements and standards and in compliance with national laws, regulations and policies. This ongoing commitment is achieved by providing accurate information, a comprehensive training plan and sharing good technical and operational environmental practice.

Eni Rewind is aware of the central role its employees play in achieving its Mission. It is committed to ensuring the protection and safeguarding of their health and safety, by implementing measures to reduce the risk associated with the various operating contexts as much as possible. These measures include: organisational models for risk management and asset integrity, training and skills development, process security and the application of new digital technologies to support security. We aim to reduce the number of accidents by improving behaviour in the workplace, at all levels of the company, and by cultivating a culture of health and safety best practices. To achieve this, we launch initiatives to raise awareness about HSE issues and to share the Lessons Learned[1] at Eni and Eni Rewind with employees and contractors.

[1] Lessons Learned is a key growth opportunity for workers. It involves documenting the lessons learned during or after the completion of an activity, to analyse the successes and failures of the whole team. This provides a useful and cost-effective way for improving work or organising the next task more efficiently and effectively. Lessons learned helps to improve future implementation capacity and to avoid repeating mistakes that had a negative impact on previous activities.

To prevent and mitigate risks to the health and safety of our workers and service providers, we aim to minimise the occurrence of accidents. We conduct in-depth investigations for each accident that occurs, as well as for any incident in general (e.g. accidents and near misses), in order to identify the cause of the event and the most effective corrective actions. Lessons Learned are always documented and shared with all staff in the organisation to avoid similar events and prevent their recurrence. In line with Eni, we identify specific safety parameters and related commitments to focus the company's commitment to employee safety.

The asset integrity system is fundamental to Eni Rewind, ensuring that assets are managed effectively and efficiently to safeguard people, the environment and business continuity. The company has assessed its assets on the sites, grouping them by HSE risk level, to continue implementing the necessary actions to ensure the highest safety standards.

Process safety is a management system for preventing and controlling the risk of accidents, to safeguard people, the environment, assets and corporate reputation. The company carries out due diligence on the groundwater treatment plants (GTP) in line with Eni's standards and the main best practices, and with a view to continuous improvement. Process safety management is designed to prevent and mitigate risks associated with uncontrolled discharge of hazardous substances that may evolve into major accidents, in accordance with the highest technical and safety standards. This results in the correct and safe management of assets throughout their life cycle, from design to construction, operation to decommissioning and maintenance, to change management.

In line with the varied nature of the hazards and risks associated with specific operational activities, process safety is promoted and supported by a widespread culture at all levels of the organisation. We circulate operational regulations, known as Process Safety Fundamentals (PSF), for the prevention of discharges (containment losses) from process equipment, increasing the knowledge of the front-line staff involved in plant operation and fostering a positive culture of attention to Process Safety issues.

The HSEQ world

The HSEQ world's activities play a decisive role in human safety and sustainability. That's why we are committed to fostering and promoting a culture of safety and respect for the environment, motivating every employee and supplier to be a leader and an example in their own activities. This strong focus is reflected in the various initiatives implemented with the involvement of both management and operational lines. These are designed to provide training, information, awareness-raising, the development of specific skills and the adoption of responsible and proactive behaviour, in full compliance with HSEQ principles. 

These are the main initiatives designed to promote and spread an HSEQ culture:

Awareness-raising programme for employees and contractors to discuss the company's HSEQ principles, objectives and results, as well as Lessons Learned for the future.

An Eni Rewind initiative to increase staff awareness of safety and environmental issues. HSE issues are shared informally at regular meetings, involving dialogue and the exchange of experiences. Environmental Lessons Learned based on Eni Rewind activities are shared.

Awareness-raising initiatives on safety issues, with site visits for Employers, Senior Managers and HSE of Eni Rewind and contractors.

Eni Rewind and its contractors have signed a commitment binding the parties to adopt and use a series of common tools. This is designed to ensure that contract work is carried out without significant accidents or incidents, detecting near misses and sub-standard conditions for preventive purposes and to permanently improve the safety culture and environmental management by contractors.

The Relay Project began as an in-depth audit of waste and depot management, with a focus on the related environmental and safety aspects. It then became a training opportunity for a number of young colleagues who moved from site to site, sometimes virtually, to pass on the baton of knowledge, supported by colleagues who are experts in the field.

The environmental training plan is designed to increase and strengthen Eni Rewind's specialist skills in waste management, contaminated site remediation, and regulatory updates (e.g. discharges and emissions).

A special campaign was launched to promote environmental awareness among all Eni Rewind employees. This included distributing flyers with environmental messages. Training "pills" on the main regulatory aspects and on various environmental issues (water supply, water discharges, atmospheric emissions, etc.) were also carried out.

Regular training, information and awareness-raising courses are offered to the entire Eni Rewind population on the requirements of health and safety, quality and environmental standards, in line with regulatory updates.

New digital safety technologies are the pillars of innovation that increase the level of safety, efficiency and effectiveness of our people's activities.

A digital version of the paper work permit that can be filled in, filed and verified by the person in charge using a graphometric signature. This increases the safety of operations, improves the traceability of the process and improves the authorisation workflow, while also reducing the use of paper and increasing time efficiency.

An IT system that supports worker safety management, consisting of a series of sensor-based individual protection devices that use a smart network to trigger real-time notifications to the worker and the monitoring console to signal potential hazardous or emergency situations. These are man-down detection devices for the protection of operators working in isolation. We have implemented Smart Safety at our site in Brindisi.

Respect for and protection of the environment, and people's health and safety, are the basic values of Eni Rewind, as well as fundamental drivers of sustainable business development in the current global scenario. Eni Rewind works in close synergy with its stakeholders, constantly promoting a culture based on sharing ethical and sustainability principles that are reflected in the company's health, safety, environmental and quality policies. Eni Rewind's commitment to environmental protection, the health and safety of all workers and the quality of the service provided to meet client needs, is guaranteed thanks to its compliance with relevant national and international legislation and its voluntary adoption of an integrated HSEQ management system. This system complies with the requirements of the most up-to-date international reference standards and is based on an extensive set of internal rules and regulations, to guarantee knowledge and the circulation of HSEQ rules and best practices.

The integrated HSEQ management system

The Eni Rewind management system clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of the various organisational levels, sets out the rules to be followed when carrying out activities, and identifies and regulates business processes by means of: Identifying environmental and safety aspects, assessing risks and opportunities, focusing on the entire value chain, setting HSEQ improvement targets in line with company policy and taking the needs and requests of all stakeholders and customers into account. Eni Rewind systematically checks its processes (including field activities), compliance with applicable HSEQ regulations and company rules and monitor HSEQ performance on a regular basis. This is done using internal, second and third party audits to ensure the effectiveness and suitability of the integrated HSEQ management system.

HSEQ policy

The cornerstone of the integrated HSEQ management system is Eni Rewind's Health, Safety, Environment, Public Safety and Quality Policy, which is shared with all employees and approved by the CEO. The Policy is derived from Eni's policies. It is consistent with Eni's code of ethics, mission, values, strategy and sustainability principles and outlines Eni Rewind's principles and values. These are the guidelines for all corporate divisions to meet HSEQ requirements, such as environmental protection, worker safety and accident prevention, spreading organisational culture, sharing and involving stakeholders, adaptability to change, efficient supply chain management and meeting customer needs.

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The integrated management system is a constituent part of our company organisation and is used to develop and implement HSEQ policy.

We chose to obtain international certifications attesting to the adoption, application and maintenance of a management and work organisation system that complies with specific standards. These are important recognitions for our HSEQ world, which ensure the company's ability to strive for continuous improvement in its standards, to benefit employees, customers, the environment and assets.

We are certified according to the following internationally recognised standards:

Quality UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015
Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary

ISO 9001 is a globally recognised tool for Quality Management System certification that guarantees an organisation's competence in managing resources and business processes to ensure end customer satisfaction, in a commitment to continuous improvement.

For accreditation fields EA 39 (other social services), EA 28 (construction) and EA 35 (other services).

Environment UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015
Environmental management systems - Requirements

The ISO 14001 standard is an international tool that outlines the parameters of the Environmental Management System. It was created to certify the commitment to reducing and preventing the impact of polluting activities and exploiting any opportunities that may emerge from the analysis of the context. This has been achieved thanks to the expertise and training of our company's specialist technicians.

Health - Safety UNI ISO 45001: 2018
Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements and usage guidelines

ISO 45001 is an international tool that outlines the requirements for the implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System and enables continuous, proactive improvement of company performance in terms of people's health and safety. Health and safety ;is increasingly important for the organisation, becoming a priority issue. Certification allows for the assessment, prevention and reduction of risks associated with the workplace.

We also pay increasing attention to ensuring the compliance of processes both upstream and downstream of our activities: from the qualification and control of suppliers to the end-of-life care of our assets.

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Our suppliers  

The supplier qualification process is used to verify, assess and monitor the technical, organisational and managerial capabilities, ethical and reputational reliability and economic-financial soundness of a potential supplier, to ensure compliance with HSEQ requirements in accordance with defined standards. The qualification process is carried out by a multidisciplinary Eni team specialised in HSEQ issues, depending on the type of process. It assesses the supplier by analysing documents and, if necessary, verifying skills in the field.  We use the supplier feedback process to check and monitor their performance over time, both technically, qualitatively and in terms of HSE, highlighting potential hazardous situations and directing any necessary mitigation actions. This allows us to confirm and review the assessment made at the qualification stage, and to make a selection based on their performance comprehensive of HSE aspects.

Our customers 

Our customer focus has helped us develop significant and increasing national and European experience in designing and implementing remediation, resource recovery and waste management projects, playing an ever more important role in Eni's strategy. We are committed to sharing our know-how, to constructive and continuous collaboration to improve the services we provide, to constant dialogue with our customers to build on our strengths and identify areas for improvement. This approach helps us to strengthen and consolidate relationships and optimise the services we offer, adapting them to individual operational contexts.

Physical security: digital transformation and innovation 

We share Eni's strategy and commitment to the digital transformation and technological innovation process. These are fundamental pillars for value growth designed to make the business increasingly integrated, sustainable and resilient. Among other things, this evolution improves the physical security of people, the integrity of assets and the management of operations, while increasing the overall operational and decision-making capacity in the company. Since 2019, we have been contributing to this change process with the Eni Rewind Italia Digital Security Project. This aims to increase the prevention and protection of company sites from security risks such as intrusions, sabotage, vandalism and arson. The project is mapped out in Eni's Digital Agenda and involves the installation of intelligent video surveillance systems and robotic rovers for anti-intrusion and remote fire detection. Video footage and alarms are captured in real time, geo-referenced and transmitted to a Security Control Room which is manned 24 hours a day. We also introduced an interactive dashboard to digitally analyse and monitor security risks at the many disused sites managed on behalf of Eni Green/Traditional Refining and Marketing (423 service stations and industrial sites). The use of this technology significantly optimises the effectiveness and efficiency of our operations. This is partly due to the fact that we can ensure rapid on-site intervention and immediate mitigation in the event of a security incident.