
Proven experience and unique skills in remediation, water and waste management are the drivers of our evolution from an Eni service company to a market player.


Our solutions for clients

We have managed critical situations at sites with diverse industrial backgrounds, so we can offer tailor-made solutions for each client, whether public or private. Using integrated, multi-disciplinary teams, our operational approach is strongly geared towards ensuring the effective and sustainable management of environmental activities, in compliance with applicable regulations. Since 2020, we have been working with Acciaierie d'Italia on the design of remediation measures at the former Ilva site in Taranto, and with Edison to complete the remediation interventions at the Site of National Priority in Mantua.


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Public-private partnerships: the value of working together

It has never been easier to prove that the synergy of skills is the key to ensuring sustainable development for future generations. The current global challenges compel us to take an overall view of remediation and resource regeneration projects, along with greater collaboration between operators, institutions and local authorities. As Eni's environmental company, we want to actively contribute to the sharing of best practices, based on expertise, research and experience in the field. We want to be part of a virtuous process of change where all stakeholders interact to support the interests of the regions and communities they live in.

Environmental design

We have proven design skills that enable us to maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of each environmental project. We offer know-how from direct experience of on-site operations at our former industrial sites and provide innovative and sustainable solutions that take into account site-specific contamination history as well as the possible reuse of the sites.


Alongside Acciaierie d'Italia to design the remediation project for the former Ilva area in Taranto

We were commissioned by Acciaierie d'Italia to carry out an environmental assessment and, subsequently, to design the remediation project for the former Ilva rea in Taranto. At the steelworks, we will carry out further soil analysis using innovative 3D conceptual models and hydrogeological models which will provide us with useful information for project design, while minimising any impacts on operations. The management of the remediation work, from the preliminary surveys to the design, execution and supervision of the project, is overseen by our integrated team of engineers, geologists and hydrogeologists. They operate in synergy with a dedicated stakeholder management structure that works alongside the steel giant towards obtaining the approval and authorisation of the plant's operational safety project.

Remediation activity

We take care of the entire remediation process: from characterisation and risk analysis, to support in the authorisation process with the competent authorities, through to project design and execution, and the final monitoring of the project. We carry out emergency safety measures, operational safety measures, permanent safety measures and soil and water remediation. We are renowned for our use of sustainable and innovative solutions, some of which have been developed in collaboration with universities and Eni research centres, favouring 'in situ' remediation techniques to avoid the movement and disposal of soil and water resources. Always with a view to respecting planned timing and budget, up to and including the remediation certification.


The remediation of the Collina area at the Mantua site for Edison

At the Site of National priority in Mantua, Edison awarded us a one-year renewable mandate to complete the environmental work in the Collina Area. We supervised the remediation project and its implementation as non-responsible owners until 2020, when ownership of the ministerial decree was passed to Edison. The Collina Area is undergoing a challenging and complex remediation project for which we used innovative ad hoc solutions adapted from maritime engineering. The project involves the removal of the former Montedison landfill, with the confined excavation and disposal of more than 335,000 tonnes of waste in Italian and foreign landfills or authorised thermal decomposition plants in Poland, Germany and France. To isolate the excavation area, we built an imposing perimeter fence with 1225 metal poles, driven into the ground to a depth of 25 metres. We also set up a mobile tent to ensure total isolation from the environmental matrices of soil and groundwater, and an adequate air exchange in the construction site through a filtration and absorption system using active carbons.

Water and waste management

From treatment to recovery and reuse: we understand the value and importance of water resources and sustainable water management for local communities. We also know that the development of a new economic model centred on reuse and the reduction of non-recoverable waste will depend on the efficient management of the waste chain. This approach has led us to sign important partnerships with leading companies in the sector in Italy, and other agreements worldwide.


Partnering with Herambiente for industrial waste management in Ravenna

We have signed an agreement with Herambiente for the construction of a multifunctional platform for the pre-treatment and treatment of special waste in the Ravenna industrial area. The initiative aims to make a concrete contribution to the structural shortage of special waste management facilities in Italy and to maximise the recovery of materials and energy. In particular, the platform will handle up to 60 thousand tonnes of waste per year produced by environmental and production activities, including those in the local area. The multifunctional platform will be equipped with the best available technologies and will be built in a section of the Ponticelle former industrial area owned by Eni Rewind, close to the industrial zone and the port of Ravenna. Eni Rewind will be responsible for the procurement process for solid and liquid waste treatment services and Herambiente will manage the plant.

Our agreements and partnerships to manage waste and water

The Memorandum of Understanding signed with A2A Ambiente commits us to start a collaboration for the management of industrial waste, the optimisation of waste processes and the identification of innovative end-to-end plant solutions. We will combine our technologies and skills, and assess a plan for joint initiatives in the special waste sector to overcome the current management and infrastructure gaps in Italy and Europe.

In 2020, we signed a series of agreements with other main players in the waste sector in Italy, including Acea and Iren. This is so we can work together to identify new sustainable practices for the management and treatment of solid and liquid industrial waste or waste from remediation activities, the optimisation of closed-loop processes, and plant solutions to maximise energy and material recovery.

Our commitment to the sustainable management of water resources is equally significant, which is achieved by establishing partnerships across the country through multiple collaborations. This includes identifying solutions for treating liquid waste, recovering the elements contained in water and processing organic waste.

Working with the National Oil And Gas Authority of the Kingdom of Bahrain

In January 2021, Eni Rewind and the National Oil and Gas Authority of the Kingdom of Bahrain signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at promoting joint initiatives for the efficient recovery and management of water, soil and waste in the country, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 UN Agenda. Eni Rewind will bring its extensive environmental expertise to the partnership, gained though numerous complex remediation and waste management projects.

SOA certification for participation in public tenders

In June 2021, we obtained SOA certification. A pre-requisite for participating in public tenders in Italy, it guarantees that companies comply with all aspects of current legislation in public works contracts. Eni Rewind has obtained  the certification for category OG 12 - Environmental reclamation and protection plants and installations; OS 22 –Water treatment and purification plant and OS 14 - Waste disposal and recovery plants.

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