
Venice - Porto Marghera

We are working on the remediaion of the historical industrial site to regenerate and give new life to the area.

The remediation of a historical industrial site

The industrial area of Porto Marghera, one of Europe’s largest, was established between 1917 and 1921 with the remediation of lagoon soils and the development of a commercial port, railways, navigable artificial canals and roads. At the end of 1928 there were over 50 plants, most of which operating within the steel, chemical, engineering, shipbuilding, oil and electricity sectors. Eni's presence in Porto Marghera has crossed several historical eras with the operations of Agip, Agip Petroli and Enichem. In 1991, after failure of the Enimont joint venture, Enichem became owner of Montedison’s production assets and a few years later started the first remediation activities. In 2008, under the name of Syndial, today Eni Rewind, the company terminated all production activities. Since 2000, Porto Marghera has been a Site of National Priority, according to Italian Law 426/1998, for its high environmental risk and the need for remediation and safety measures

Our activities in Porto Marghera

The first environmental operations on the Porto Marghera site date back to the Nineties, between 1995 and 1999, with the safety interventions on the decommissioned plants and on the old landfills, the start of the first surveys on the matrices and the installation of a first network of piezometers to monitor the groundwater. In 2005, the results of the characterisations led to the submission of the final remediation project inclusive of safety measures for the areas belonging to Eni Rewind and the other jointly-owned companies, divided into sub-projects for the Old and New Petrochemical macro-areas, Ex AM8, island 46, Malcontenta C, Basin SR14 and the former Agriculture area sedimentation tank. All the projects have been approved and the planned activities are either ongoing or certified with completed remediation. As regards the groundwater, the final remediation Project comprises a water pumping system in the New and Old Petrochemical areas that conveys the drained waters to the treatment plant and then on to the consortium’s physico-chemical and biological water treatment plant. This drainage system is complementary to the confinement interventions (physical and hydraulic barrier) led by the interregional Superintendency for public works (formerly Water Magistrate in Venice). Eni Rewind is also committed to complete the demolition of the decommissioned plants and involved in the post-operam monitoring of the areas that have already undergone remediation or safety measures interventions and certified, in order to make them available for new development initiatives in line with the regeneration goals of the site.