Page 11 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 11

                                                                                   Eni for 2016

                                     Commitments            Progress as at 2016 vs 2015  Objectives for 2017-2020

                   ˛ Employment      Maternity as a Master: Learning   68 people involved  160 per year
                                     pathway for parenting
                    and equal
                    opportunities    Smart Working for new mothers   Project definition  Start of the project
                                     and fathers (Italy)                           and extension to 1,000
                                                                                   participants over the
                                                                                   Plan’s lifetime 10

                                     Commitments            Progress as at 2016 vs 2015  Objectives for 2017-2020

                   ˛ Access to       Distribution of gas to local   Offshore Cape Three Points   Supply of gas to power up to
                    energy           markets                (OCTP) project ongoing in Ghana  1 GW

                                     Community Investment
                                                                                   €420 million (including
                                                            €67 million (including amounts
                   ˛ Local
             Cooperation model  development   Access to off-grid energy  relating to resettlement and   amounts relating to
                                                                                   resettlement and livelihood
                                                            livelihood restoration)
                                                            On- and off-grid electrification
                                                                                   25,000 beneficiaries
                                                            of villages in the Delta State
                                                                                   with 9 MW installed
                                                            School-work alternation for
                                                                                   involved in school-work
                                                            1,200 young people in Italy  In 2017/18: 4,000 students
                                                                                   alternation programs
                                                            Apprenticeship contracts for 140   In 2017/2018:
                                                            young people in Italy  35 1  level apprenticeship
                                                                                   contracts for training
                                                            Over 29,000 students involved   Primary and secondary
                                                            in primary and secondary   training projects
                                                            education programs     for 60,000 children worldwide
                                                                                   (€86.7 million)
                                     Economic Diversification  Over 41,000 people involved   Projects for 19,000
                                                            in agriculture, fishing and local   beneficiaries worldwide
                                                            entrepreneurial projects  (€171 million)
                                     Access to water and sanitation  Over 50,000 people with   Investments of €38.3 million
                                                            access to water and better
                                                            hygiene and sanitary conditions
                                     Health                 Over 240,000 people involved   Projects for 420,000
                                                            in health projects     beneficiaries worldwide
                                                                                   (€16.8 million)

                   ˛ Local content   Development of local content   Pilot project implemented   Extension of the local
                                     valuation methodology  in Ghana               content valuation
                   ˛ Payments to     Transparency of payments   Implementation of the new   Promoting the active role
                    governments      to governments         mandatory reporting regime   of subsidiaries in local
                                                            and a support community on
                                                                                   EITI Multi-Stakeholder Groups
                    and EITI                                EITI for subsidiaries

                                                                    10) Potential catchment estimated based on the historical trend.
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