Page 10 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
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8                      Eni for 2016


                  and results

                                     Commitments           Progress as at 2016 vs 2015  Objectives for 2017-2020

                  ˛ Reduction of     Reduction of the upstream   -9%              -43% by 2025 vs 2014
                                                           -17.4% vs 2014
                                     GHG emission intensity rate
                    GHG emissions
                                     Reduction in hydrocarbon   -2.2%             Zero process flaring
                                     volumes sent to process flaring
                                                           -8.8% vs 2014
                                                                                  by 2025
           Path to decarbonization  ˛ Low carbon   methane emissions  -37% vs 2014  Over 50% of natural gas
                                                                                  -80% by 2025 vs 2014
                                     Reduction of upstream fugitive
                                                           50% gas out of total
                                     Promotion of natural gas
                                                           hydrocarbon production
                                                                                  equity production on total
                                     Production plants using
                                                           FID  for 4 initiatives as part of
                                                                                  463 MW installed capacity
                  ˛ Renewables and
                                     renewable sources
                                                           for the upstream BRN project
                                                                                  +610,000 tonnes/year
                                                           FID for the reconversion of the
                                     Reconversion of industrial sites   the "Progetto Italia" and FID   Investments of €0.55 billion
                                     into biorefineries    Gela refinery          of biofuels in Gela and launch
                                                                                  of second generation biofuels
                                     Use of solar power    Prototypes of proprietary   7 pilot plants to demonstrate
                                     and energy storage    technologies for concentrated   the technological solutions
                                                           solar power and solar smart   developed
                  ˛ Partnership      Oil and Gas Climate Initiative   Establishment of the OGCI   Joint investment of $1 billion
                                                                                  over 10 years in low-carbon
                                                           Climate Investments
                                     Commitments           Progress as at 2016 vs 2015  Objectives for 2017-2020
                  ˛ Safety           TRIR reduction for employees   -20.8% (TRIR 0.35  in 2016)  Zero injuries
                                     and contractors
           Operating model  ˛Focus on the   % increase in the reinjection   +3.9% (58% in 2016)  72% by 2020
                                     of production waters
                                     Reduction of operational oil
                                                           €37 million
                                                                                  Investments of over €150
                                                                                  million during the plan’s lifetime
                                     spills and those caused by
                                                           (-65% total spills volume
                                                           vs 2015)
                  ˛ Research and
                    development      Investments in R&D    €161 million (-8.5% vs 2015)  €659 million
                  ˛ Human rights     Training and awareness raising   Human Rights event chaired   4 e-learning training modules
                                                           by the CEO; e-learning course   on the supply chain, security,
                                                           that expected over 22,000   employment, relationships
                                                           participants           with the territory
                                     Continuous improvement   Issue of the Responsible   Action plan and regulatory
                                     in company processes  and Sustainable Company   document on Human Rights
                                                           Management System
                 7) Final Investment Decision.
                 8) (Total recordable injuries/hours worked) x 1,000,000.
                 9) Investments and current expenditures.
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