Page 6 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
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4                     Eni for 2016


               in the world

                 Eni is an energy Company of 33,000 people distributed in 73 Countries around the world.

                 Eni focuses on continuous      future which gives natural    risks throughout the
                 growth based on                gas a central role alongside   entire production cycle.
                 exploration and on the         increasing development of     Activities are carried out by
                 creation of long term          renewable sources.            paying careful attention to
                 value, for a future where      Eni’s commitment even         developing the territories in
                 everyone can access energy     in complex and volatile       which Eni operates, with the
                 resources efficiently and      environments, such as         belief that growth of local
                 sustainably.                   the recent ones, aims to      contexts will contribute to
                 This is why Eni has            consolidate its financial     create a stronger bond with
                 launched a transition path     strength using an operating   the host Countries and a
                 towards a low-carbon       1   model that minimizes          greater equality in the future.

            2016 Highlights  2016 ˛  1,759  (% gas equity)  2016 ˛  7,490  6,890  2016 ˛  9,180     9,180
                                                     ˛ Proven reserves (% gas)
                                                                                    ˛ Technical investments
                       ˛ Hydrocarbon production

                                                                              2015 ˛
                                                2015 ˛
                 2015 ˛
                 2014 ˛
                                                (million boe)
                 (thousand boe/day)    1,598    2014 ˛  51%          6,602    2014 ˛                11,178
                                                                              (€ million)
                       ˛ Capex cash neutrality       ˛ Direct GHG emissions         ˛ E&P GHG emission
                       46                            40.1                                                   intensity
                 2016 ˛                  46     2016 ˛                 40.1   2016 ˛                0.166
                 2015 ˛                   51    2015 ˛                 41.6   2015 ˛                0.182
                 2014 ˛                  73     2014 ˛                 42.0   2014 ˛                0.201
                 (dollars per barrel)           (million tonnes CO eq)        (tonnes CO eq/toe)
                                                          2                         2
                       ˛ Volume of operational       ˛ R&D expenditures

                       1,159   oil spills > 1 barrel  161          of which
                                                                   New energy 3
                 2016 ˛                 1,159   2016 ˛        51        161
                 2015 ˛                1,634    2015 ˛                 176
                                                                              1) Includes Eni’s share in joint ventures
                 2014 ˛                 1,161   2014 ˛                  174
                                                                              and associated companies valued using
                                                                              the equity method.
                 (barrels)                      (€ million)
                                                                              Gross production of hydrocarbons, from
                       ˛ TRIR workforce              ˛ Community Investment    reservoirs operated entirely by Eni (100%):
                                                                              Million toe: 117 in 2014, 125 in 2015, 122 in 2016.
                       0.35                          67                       2) E&P GHG emissions on gross operated
                                                                              production of hydrocarbons.
                 2016 ˛                 0.35    2016 ˛                  67    3) Includes research expenditure on: Natural
                                                                              gas promotion, Biorefining, Green chemistry
                 2015 ˛                 0.45    2015 ˛                  75    and Renewable sources.
                 2014 ˛                 0.71    2014 ˛                  65    4) Amounts relating to resettlement and
                                                                              livelihood restoration activities are included.
                 (total recordable injuries/hours worked) x 1,000,000  (€ million)
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