Page 3 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 3


              Message to our stakeholders  2
              Eni in the world  4
              A responsible and sustainable company approach   6
              Objectives and results  8

               Path to                       Operating                      Cooperation
               decarbonization               model                          model

               Climate strategy      12       Upstream model       28        Access to energy     48
               Climate governance    13       Value of people      29        Local development projects  50
               Risk management       13       People’s safety      33        Transparency of payments   54
               Comparing scenarios   14       Process safety       34        Local content        55
               2016 results          15       Respect for the environment  36
                                              Research and development   41
                                              Human rights         42
                                              Transparency and     45

              Materiality analysis                    56                   Annexes
              Reporting principles and criteria       57                   Eni for 2016 - Sustainability Performance
              Independent Auditors’ Report            58                   (also available on
                                                                           GRI Content Index (available on

                              The 17 Sustainable Development
                              Goals (SDGs) for 2030, promoted
                              by the United Nations, are used
                              by Eni as a guide for its                    For more details
                              development projects over                    on sustainability issues, please visit
                              the long term.                               the dedicated section on
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