Eni Joule Gela

Start-Me Up, the training project to prepare young people for the world of work

After eight months of training courses in innovation and soft skills, the first edition of the initiative has come to an end in Gela.

29 February 2024
1 min read
29 February 2024
1 min read

The area of Gela is being revitalised by young people. After eight months of training courses in innovation and soft skills, the first edition of the Start-Me Up project has come to an end. On 29 February, the final event was held at the Eni Biorefinery in Gela. This was an opportunity to meet with the entire innovation ecosystem of the Sicilian region and present the results achieved by the young participants.

The project was set up with the aim of supporting young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) and offering them new professional and entrepreneurial opportunities in the Region of Sicily, with a particular focus on the Gela area.

The course was set up thanks to the contribution of SMEs, accelerators, university incubators and the school and confindustrial system, in synergy with the Eni Corporate University and Eniscuola initiatives already launched in the area, in order to ensure the continuity of Eni's work to combat early school leaving.

To ensure effective preparation for entry into the world of work, the programme has been designed with both distance and face-to-face activities to support learning along three parallel pathways: "In-Company Innovators", "Digital Marketing" and "Startup Creators".