Basilicata Open LAB on tour in the region, roadshow in four cities

From Viggiano to Metaponto, via Potenza and Matera: a roadshow to illustrate the project supporting innovative startups.

23 November 2023
1 min read
23 November 2023
1 min read

A four-stage tour in the main cities of Basilicata to promote the Basilicata Open Lab project, organised by Joule, with the aim of supporting Lucanian companies to transform their business models in terms of sustainability and improve their profitability.

The stages

  • Viggiano (21 November) “Francesco Maggiano” teatro cittadino;
  • Potenza (22 November) Comincenter;
  • Matera (23 November) Casa Tecnologie Emergenti;
  • Metaponto (24 November) Alsia. 

Il roadshow

A roadshow around the territories to illustrate the Joule project, created to support innovative startups, but also Lucanian companies that want to develop their business by embracing innovation. Thanks to the creation of a physical hub, it is possible to welcome local companies and young people and support them in the activities that best suit their growth path, while Call4innovation is the tool used to identify and support innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial projects.

During the roadshow, the digital platform linked to the Basilicata Open Lab project was also presented in more detail, a key tool for keeping up to date with all the programme events and the development of the ecosystem. Dedicated to businesses, young people, local professionals and startups, the platform offers the opportunity to participate in training sessions, networking events and mentoring activities.