

Applications are open for the acceleration program CALL4Innovit.

20 April 2023
2 min read
20 April 2023
2 min read

Joule, Eni's school of entrepreneurship, informs that the CALL4INNOVIT has stated. Call4INNOVIT is a program for Italian SMEs and Startups, operating in the fields of technological innovation and the promotion of Italian culture internationally. Participants will be able to live a real experience in Silicon Valley.

Applications are open and the new edition of Call4INNOVIT includes two sections: SMEs Traction dedicated to SMEs in the areas of Cybersecurity, Blockchain, IoT and Robotics and Startup Bootcamp also aimed at startups in the bootstrap phase , pre-seed and seed in any field of interest.

Call4INNOVIT is a call promoted by INNOVIT Italian Innovation & Culture Hub, an initiative supported by the Italian government in the heart of Silicon Valley.
INNOVIT, the first Italian Innovation and Culture Hub in San Francisco is promoted by the Directorate General for the Country System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Washington and with the Consulate General in San Francisco andmanaged with the support of ICE – Agency for the promotion abroad and internationalization of Italian companies and the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco.

Living Silicon Valley thanks to this program represents an invaluable value for entrepreneurs and startuppers. It is an enrichment of the local entrepreneurial culture and it will be possible to deepen the knowledge of the protagonists with direct meetings. A path that has in itself an enormous transformative and generative potential. Landing in Silicon Valley is the best chance to get ideas off the ground.

To apply:
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