Circular Economy

A joint effort is needed by institutions, companies and citizens to turn chemicals, biomass and waste into sustainable resources.

Circular economy: a key driver for energy transition

The future of our society depends on a stable climate and sustainable energy. Innovative solutions that can help change the current consumption model into a more circular, sustainable one must be developed.

Developed in response to today's global environmental challenges, one of the levers of the transition path is the circular economy, which is designed to lead society towards the adoption of a regenerative model, a strategic element to achieve the goals of lowering emissions of green house gasses keeping the global temperature increase within limits tolerable by the environment.

By adopting a circular model, business processes are reassessed, minimizing the use of natural resources preferring sustainable inputs, reducing and valorizing waste through recovery and/or recycling activities, extending the useful life of products and assets through reuse or conversion activities.