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An ecosystem of suppliers committed to sustainable energy transition, supporting SMEs and promoting awareness on human rights.

Eni’s commitments

  • Build an ecosystem of companies (current and future suppliers) that want to play a leading role in a fair and sustainable energy transition.
  • Support suppliers, especially SMEs, in a path of growth and development through concrete tools and solutions.
  • Increase awareness among companies and their employees on issues related to energy transition and sustainability, through training and awareness-raising initiatives that emphasise social and governance aspects

Eni is committed to building an ecosystem of companies (current and future suppliers) which aims to have a leading role together with Eni in a fair and sustainable energy transition.

Eni is committed to supporting and accompanying its suppliers in the transition – especially small and medium sized enterprises - promoting dialogue, awareness, and stimulating new ideas for a sustainable supply chain. Moreover, Eni is making every effort to ensure that its suppliers contribute to take care of workers affected by the transition, supporting them through up-skilling and re-skilling programmes. Eni is committed to continuously strengthening its own human rights management model on the supply chain to properly identify and manage any impact that the energy transformation may have on current and future activities, including those related to the extraction and transformation of the “transition minerals”.

Examples of programmes


Eni created the Open-es system, a digital platform open to all companies involved in the energy transition, useful for evaluating and measuring with simple and concrete tools the improvement of the ESG profile, also from a social perspective, and to stimulate collaboration between supply chains on issues relating to Just Transition. Open-es is a call for action for companies of significant and strategic dimensions to proactively exercise the role of supply chain leaders, also on social aspects, to strengthen the resilience of companies, especially medium-small ones, along the value chain.

Workshops JUST

Eni organizes periodic structured moments of dialogue and discussion with suppliers (JUST workshops), to share best practices and innovative technologies functional to the low carbon transition with an impact on people. Eni also invites suppliers to participate in training sessions, led by professionals internal and external to the Company, to increase skills on social issues, such as issues relating to workers' rights.

Basket Bond-Sustainable Energy

The energy value chain support program created by Eni, with Elite and Illimity Bank. An innovative tool with which direct and indirect suppliers of the entire value chain can finance sustainable development initiatives, also relating to the training of new skills and the provision of useful solutions and technologies.

Read the extract from the pdf

Eni For a people-centred transition