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Engagement and listening to workers, sharing of changes, skills development, respect for rights, social protection.

Eni’s commitments:

  • Involvement of workers by anticipating change.
  • Ensure a working environment where diversity, personal and cultural opinions are considered sources of mutual enrichment.
  • Transition-In: provide access to decent jobs in decarbonized activities, attract the best talent, and offer equal opportunities to everyone.
  • Transition-Out: priority to up-skill and re-skill programmes; support the redeployment of workers into new or transformed activities.
  • Support the social protection of workers

The challenge of the energy transition requires a cultural change, a new mindset, and the development of new skills. Eni is committed to engaging employees in its organisational strategies with listening and communication initiatives and defining and developing the technical competencies as well as the mindset and soft skills necessary for current and future activities.

The importance of a just transition

Eni is committed to providing decent and valuable working conditions and ensuring a working environment where diversity, personal and cultural views are regarded as sources of mutual enrichment, as well as key factors in business sustainability. Where Eni will be involved in transition-in activities, it is committed to providing access to decent jobs in decarbonized activities and it makes all possible efforts to attract the best talents, while providing equal opportunities for all regardless of gender, age, or any kind of perceived diversity. Where Eni will be involved in transition-out activities or in transformation processes, it is committed to prioritizing up-skilling and re-skilling programmes for workers with the aim of making the best effort in supporting their relocation into new or transformed activities (within the company or in other companies). Eni is also committed to supporting workers’ social protection, specifically of those affected by the company’s transition strategy. This may be achieved through multilateral agreements between Unions, workers, and Eni to promote relocation programmes that are advantageous for both workers and the Company or allowing for a smooth turnover of skills combining favourable incentives for early voluntary exit plans and the hiring of skilled young people in key areas. Eni is committed to discussing with the Trade Unions at various levels, starting locally, with reference to professional skills and employment levels. Eni will also make its best effort to develop a social dialogue model suitable for the new requirements connected to the transition pathway and characterised by preliminary consultation to set out the best solutions to be used in this evolving scenario. The commitment undertaken by Eni has been agreed with international and Italian Unions, under a General Framework Agreement on International Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility signed with IndustriAll and within the protocols 'Together-Insieme'

Eni’s main initiatives

The initiatives related to a Just Transition and its connection with the other major transformation in the company and the industry can be grouped into six clusters:

  • Create
    Laying the foundations to make sure the transition is adequately supported.
  • Engage
    Having stakeholders participating in the Company’s decisions.
  • Include
    Leave no one behind: ensuring decent and valuable work conditions and opportunities for all workers.
  • Up/Reskill
    Evolving existing competencies or developing new ones to strengthen the Company’s most valuable resource: people.
  • Protect
    Implementing welfare and support programs to help stakeholders through the transition.
  • Advocate
    Representing the urgent matters of a Just Transition to the public and lawmakers.

Examples of programmes

Fit for purpose: one of the internal communication campaigns, now in its fourth edition, to learn about the company's key activities towards the objectives of net zero emissions by 2050.

TOGETHER-INSIEME: industrial relations model to support the energy transition process, signed in December 2020 by Eni and the main Italian trade union organizations.

Channels for listening to workers: the “Eni according to you“ climate analysis, the fifth edition of which was carried out in June-July 2022, supported by a series of quick surveys to explore specific needs and periodic meetings with people.

The Contratto di Espansione, in agreement with relevant stakeholders (Trade Union Organizations and the Italian Ministry of Labour), allows turnover and a different mix of skills, through an integrated plan for hiring people with professionalism consistent with the needs of the business transformation, training, and consensual and incentivized resolutions of the employment relationship.

Eni Corporate University has revised its training programmes in line with the Just Transition to support changes and the energy transition (induction courses, HSEQ training with a focus on environment and sustainability, leadership and mindset, diversity & inclusion and specialized technical courses or paths focused on new technologies and new skills). It also offers a wide range of Masters in partnership with prestigious Italian and foreign universities - supported by scholarships - starting from the MEDEA Master “Master in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics“, provided by the Mattei School in partnership with the University of studies of Pavia, and currently focused on the topic of energy transition.

MyChange: a digital environment that allows employees to actively participate in the company's cultural change, through a personalised dynamic and interactive learning pathway. Using the same platform, people can certify themselves for free as SDGs Users, increasing their awareness of the themes and objectives of the 2030 Agenda and how to contribute to their achievement.

Lead The Transformation: a program promoting a renewed approach to Leadership throughout Eni that allows Team Leaders to develop their skills to effectively support the process of transformation and change within the company.

Jobs4You: the internal job posting site created to make the internal job market more dynamic and fluid, to facilitate mobility between organizational units. Employees can use it to apply for an existing open position or submit their spontaneous applications.

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Eni For a people-centred transition