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A new energy

HVO (hydrogenated vegetable oil) biofuel is a concrete and already usable solution to contribute to more sustainable mobility


HVO biofuels are fuels used for transport made from biogenic raw materials. They can cooperate in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cars, ships, trucks, and airplanes.

Renewable raw materials

HVOlution biofuel is already available at our Enilive stations: it is made from 100% renewable raw materials (pursuant to RED II).

Transport Decarbonization

HVOlution can contribute to the decarbonization of the transport sector, including heavy-duty transport, taking into account emissions over the entire product chain.

Towards a Net Zero future

With the aim of supplying customers with fully decarbonized products, Eni's Strategic Plan aims to reach an annual biofuel refining capacity of over 5 million tons in 2030.

Projects and initiatives

Eni's strategic plan is taking shape with the activation of projects to increase biorefining capacity on a global scale.

Just transition

We are committed to an energy transition that, through concrete solutions, can preserve the environment, providing access to energy for all, while being socially equitable.

ISCC certification

To guarantee sustainability and traceability of raw materials along the supply chain, Eni obtained ISCC PLUS certification, part of the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification scheme.

Human rights

The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) are a fundamental reference for Eni to address its activities and governance towards the respect and promotion of human rights.