
“Non siete soli”: we are once again near people who are struggling

By donating food packages, this project aims at supporting those over 70 hit by the financial crisis, worsened by the Ukrainian conflict.

Near people through concrete actions

The “Non siete soli” project, promoted by Foundation in partnership with the  Comunità di SantEgidio ACAP Onlus,  Fondazione Campagna Amica and Coldiretti is back in 2022, with the delivery of 4,600 food packages in Milan, Rome and Naples, to fragile people over 70 who are struggling. 

Context and recipients of this initiative

The Russian-Ukrainian war has worsened the effects of the financial crisis causes by the Covid-19 pandemic, and consequently, the situation of those fragile people not included in any support network in Italy has not gotten any better. In the three cities involved in the project, it is estimated that there are over 1,091,258 people over 79 in poverty, of which 696,259 in Rome, 256,391 in Milan and 138,608 in Naples - that’s more than 54 thousand people over 70 who cannot provide for themselves. Some of them reside at care facilities, nursing homes, with their families or depend on public services. Some others, to which the Project is addresses, live in their own homes, alone or with their partners, and are not included in any support network. 


As in past editions, the projects has several purposes, with new interventions and measures:

  • Home delivery of 4,600 packages, weighting 12 kg each, to tackle the primary needs of these people in need
  • Promotion of the flue vaccine, cold emergency and anti Covid-19 vaccine, through an informative and prevention campaign
  • Establishing a relationship that facilitates taking over fragile and isolated seniors, through gradual interventions and paths, to support and monitor their personal situation, by helping them overcome their situation of need
  • Activating a call center for help request from the different districts of the selected city, support the access to public services and facilitate connection with the local service network.

The initiative and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development

Also this project by Eni Foundation, similarly to the others achieved in the world, is aimed at meeting the sustainable development Objectives defined by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda. In particular: Objective 1, Zero Poverty (Ending poverty in all its forms); Objective 2, Zero Hunger (Ending hunger, by ensuring food safety).