
A jewel of naval technology

Sustainability at the heart of the design of Eni's FNLG facility

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Every single piece of the vessel has contributed to the success of the project, based on innovation and sustainability
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66 m (217 ft)
432 m (1.417 ft)
Length, equal to 4 football fields in a row
38.5 m (126 ft)
Height, equal to a 9-storey building
220,000 Tonnes
Weight, equivalent to 2 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers

Coral South includes an assortment of established technologies, together with innovative and sustainable solutions. The sustainability aspect played an important role in the design of the vessel.

Starting from the design phase, techniques were adopted to minimise CO2 emissions through high-efficiency, low-emission gas turbines; variable-speed electric engines, high-voltage electrical transformers to reduce energy loss, effective systems for recovering and reusing heat from exhausts, and high-efficiency gas treatment and purification technologies.

The combination of these technologies decreases the energy used to liquefy the gas, while minimising the environmental impact. Particular care was taken to eliminate gas leaks during the production phase.

The integration of processes focusing on environmental safeguards and high performance, has positioned Coral South above industry benchmarks of energy efficiency.

We have ambitious plans to reduce our carbon emissions and that goal was at the heart of the development of our first FLNG facility

Juan Carlos Coral
Director of Eni’s Coral South Project
Like a million-piece Lego
Eni Anima Team - 0:00