Pasqal has developed a full stack neutral atoms 200 qubits quantum computer used by customers. This French start-up, founded in 2019, develops and commercializes quantum computers that address complex computational problems ranging from fundamental science to global societal challenges.
The company builds on the advances made for more than a decade by Antoine Browaeys and Thierry Lahaye's team at the Institute of Optics (IOGS, CNRS - France) in the field of control and applications of cold neutral atoms. The elementary information elements of PASQAL - the Qubits - are laser-cooled rubidium atoms, individually trapped in optical tweezers and which can be manipulated with lasers, in a non-contact and scalable way. This is a unique tool to create and control complex quantum systems through the interaction of Qubits with light, which gives access to useful physical parameters with precision.