
Well-being and primary healthcare are fundamental for Eni both within the company and in all the areas where it operates.

Access to health

Access to primary healthcare is a significant area of intervention for the company in its areas of operation. With a low life expectancy at birth, access to health services continues to pose a critical challenge in Nigeria, and its promotion is therefore central to human development in the Country. In the long term, improved access will contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) No. 1 (No poverty) and No. 3 (Good Health and Well-being).

Specifically, the Company aims to make health services available to vulnerable populations, particularly in the rural areas of the Niger Delta. This will help reduce the local mortality rate, especially among women and children, and improve living conditions in the community by avoiding the aggravation of health challenges that occur due to the transportation of sick persons over long distances. It will also help to improve the productivity and the quality of life of the populace.


Infrastructure and modern equipment

In pursuit of these objectives, over the years, NAOC JV has contributed to the provision of health infrastructure and modern equipment in its host communities. In the last 20 years , the Company has undertaken 77 health projects in various Niger Delta Communities, including the construction and equipping of clinics/health centers, the construction of living quarters for medical personnel, the provision of utilities, and the provision of equipment and material. Beneficiaries are in the four states of Rivers, Bayelsa, Delta and Imo where the Company has its operations, with positive impact of these projects felt in about 37 rural communities in the Niger Delta. In addition to such health infrastructure projects, the Company has equally invested in various health promotion and campaign programs. These include awareness campaigns for HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health,  the eradication of malaria and other endemic diseases.


Helping Nigeria tackle the COVID-19 pandemic

Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 has gone on a devastating rampage around the world. In support of the fight against the pandemic in Nigeria, Eni has initiated a number of programs designed to limit the impact of the virus on Nigerians and strengthen the Nation’s healthcare system. These interventions have been planned, or carried out, across all three levels of Government, with particular focus on our local communities.


Eni and the fight against the virus in Nigeria

We are contributing in many ways to tackle Covid-19.