Operational excellence

Our ongoing commitment looks at the challenges of energy transition as an opportunity for transformation in all our host countries.

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We create value for people

We apply the concept of operational excellence at all levels of the company to enhance our people. We implement an inclusive policy respecting everyone's uniqueness, considering diversity as an asset, and we are committed to respecting human rights. We offer our customers products and solutions that contribute to the energy transition and work to protect the environment and biodiversity. We guarantee the safety of our plants and transparent relationships with suppliers.

    Our people play a fundamental role in the profound energy transformation underway. They are the essential component of our corporate culture and represent a key lever for value creation.

    Luca De Santis - Head of Human Resources and Organisation at Eni

    The value of uniqueness

    Our approach to Diversity & Inclusion is based on the fundamental principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunities and inclusion of all forms of diversity. We have referred to the Diversity & Inclusion Policy since November 2023.

      D&I at Eni

      We are a global company that promotes a culture of plurality and believes in diversity as an added value.

      People’s health and safety

      We promote a strong occupational health and safety culture to prevent and protect our people, both employees and contractors, and our facilities. We offer state-of-the-art welfare and healthcare policies and adopt innovative tools for risk assessment and management, with the aim of avoiding accidents at work. Like our Behavioral Safety & Environmental Coaching (BS&E) programme, which trained 350 fieldworkers during 2023.

        Respect for Human Rights

        Respect for human rights is embedded in our Mission and confirmed by company policies. We place the dignity of every human being at the centre of our activities and are committed to defining our responsibilities in contributing to the well-being of people and local communities. Our commitment is expressed in the ECG Respect for Human Rights Policy.

          Case study
          We adhere to VPI on Security and Human Rights

          We are a 'Full Member' of the Voluntary Principles Initiative (VPI), a global platform for exchanging good practices in security and human rights.

          Our environmental culture

          We pay close attention to the efficient use of natural resources such as water, emission reduction, waste management, protection of biodiversity-relevant protected areas and ecosystem services. Through the Environmental Golden Rules, we promote an environmental culture within the company and in our relationship with suppliers and customers, with whom we sign environmental and safety agreements.

            Case study
            With IRENA for skills development for the transition

            With IRENA we share experiences to accelerate the energy transition and the development of renewable energy in fossil fuel exporting countries.

            Suppliers and clients

            We believe that suppliers and customers are central to our work and, also with their cooperation, we spread the culture of sustainable use of energy resources. Through continuous dialogue, we involve our customers in the journey towards a fair and sustainable energy transition.

              Plenitude, a Società Benefit, enables households and businesses to contribute to the path to carbon neutrality by offering electricity from renewable sources, energy efficiency solutions and an extensive network of proprietary charging points for electric vehicles.

                Enilive is transforming mobility

                The company that represents our commitment to a sustainability-driven mobility transformation.

                Walter Ricciardi

                Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the Catholic University of Rome, Walter Ricciardi is a former president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

                Planetary Health and One Health are interdisciplinary approaches focusing on the interconnection between human, animal and our planet's health, analysing and addressing the challenges that threaten people's health, both directly and indirectly through the natural environment.

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                Eni for 2023 - Operational excellence
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