Carbon neutrality by 2050

Decarbonization of processes and products by 2050. We are working to reduce our carbon footprint and that of our customers.

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Towards Net Zero

We aim to achieve Net Zero by 2050, consistent with the international climate targets set on a global scale. Our decarbonization path is based on a combination of innovative activities and technologies.

    Eni's distinctive strategy aims to progressively reduce the emission impact directly and indirectly associated with its business activities towards carbon neutrality by 2050, while contributing to the security and competitiveness of energy supplies.

    Francesco Gattei - Chief Financial Officer

    In intermediate steps, we proceed towards zero net emissions, starting with those generated directly by our activities (Scope 1 and 2) and then including those related to customers' end use of our products (Scope 3), calculated over their entire life cycle.

      Main Targets

      Horizontally scroll the chart or select a category to discover more

      Net Zero
      Net Carbon Footprint Upstream Scope 1+2 vs 2018 (a)
      Net Zero
      Net Carbon Footprint Eni Scope 1+2 vs 2018 (a)
      Net Zero
      Net GHG Lifecycle emissions Scope 1+2+3 vs 2018 (a)
      Net Zero
      Net Carbon Intensity Scope 1+2+3 vs 2018 (a)
      Upstream fugitive methane emissions vs 2014 (b)
      Routine flaring Upstream msM³ (b,c)
      Upstream methane intensity (b)
      >15 Mton CO₂/y(i)
      ~40 Mton CO₂/y(j)
      ~50 Mton CO₂/y
      ~60 Mton CO₂/y
      Total stored capacity of CO₂ (g)
      5.9 Mton CO₂/y(h)
      ~15 Mton CO₂/y
      ~20 Mton CO₂/y
      <25 Mton CO₂/y
      CO₂ emissions offset
      ~900 Mboe
      Discovered resources
      1.66 Mboe/day
      Hydrocarbon production
      Gas component in the Upstream production (f)
      19 k
      24 k
      40 k
      ~50 k
      ~160 k
      Charging points (d)
      3 GW
      4 GW
      >8 GW
      >15 GW
      >30 GW
      60 GW
      Installed renewables power generation capacity (d, e)
      >10 million
      >10 million
      >11 million
      >15 million
      >20 million
      Customer base (d)
      1.65 MTPA
      >3 MTPA
      >5 MTPA
      Biorefining capacity

      GHG Emissions


      Carbon offset

      Oil & gas

      Electric vehicles




      (a) KPI equity based

      (b) Upstream operated assets

      (c) Plenitude 100%

      (d) Equity Eni, including CCUS services for third parties

      e) KPI used in Eni Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework

      f) Since 2024 includes gas condensates

      g) Gross capacity

      h) In 2023, emissions of 2.4 million tonnes of CO2eq were offset by Plenitude

      i) Before 2030

      j) After 2030

      The Just Transition for Eni

      We understand decarbonization as an opportunity to convert existing activities and develop new production chains. We are committed to managing any negative impacts on workers, communities, consumers and business partners.

        “Pursuing a just energy transition,” says Francesca Ciardiello, Head of Sustainable Development at Eni, “means working towards decarbonizing energy, while helping to keep it abundant to support the development and make it accessible to all.” Furthermore, “it means imagining changes and envisaging opportunities for transformation for the people, value chains and territories where we are present.”

          Our specific actions for decarbonization

          We develop new energy solutions and services that progressively reduce emissions, ensuring greater sustainability and security of supply.

            The strategic plan envisages increasing the share of natural gas in the production mix and expanding the development of renewable energy. At the same time, the circular economy, which includes the conversion of traditional refineries into biorefineries, allows us to offer new energy solutions and increasingly decarbonized services, while CO2 (CCS) capture and storage helps us to reduce emissions from hard-to-abate industries.

              David Whitehouse

              A recognized expert and promoter of Offshore Energy UK, the leading trade association for the UK offshore energy industries.

              The key role of CCUS (capture, utilization, and storage of CO2) in achieving carbon neutrality and Eni's challenges and development opportunities in this sector are significant in the energy transition.

              New businesses involved in the transition

              Our companies offer products, services and solutions that address the need to reduce emissions and impact on the environment.

              • Plenitude: it integrates renewables, energy solutions for customers and an extensive charging network for electric vehicles.
              • Enilive: a global leader in biorefining, working for the transformation of mobility.
              • Versalis: it promotes chemistry from renewable sources, identifies alternative feedstocks and focuses on the circular economy through research and innovation.

              Case studies

              Ten years of OCGI

              With the other companies in the Oil & Gas Climate Initiative, we set collective targets to reduce emissions, particularly methane.

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              Eni for 2023 - Carbon neutrality by 2050
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