Alliances for development

To support access to energy and development in our host countries, we work alongside local and international institutions, communities and organisations.

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Energy for local development

Sustainability is at the core of our activities and our work looks to provide our hosting countries with accessible and affordable energy, in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. This way, the “Just Transition” becomes a great opportunity to support growth according to each country and people’s specific needs.

    Investing in local communities is a direct demonstration that our energy transition path involves the local area. Access to energy, Sustainable Local Development, respect for Human Rights and environmental protection are the foundations for a just and fair transition.

    Marica Calabrese, Managing Director Eni Rovuma Basin – Eni Mozambique

    Gender perspective in development projects

    Eni’s approach incorporates a gender perspective in all production and development activities to prevent negative impacts on women and improve their status. In our hosting countries, we support female empowerment to offer specific training and involve women in long-term projects, thus sustaining their social and economic emancipation.

      Our local development projects

      We support projects that help guarantee essential rights such as access to energy, water, food, education and health, as well as initiatives for land protection, vocational training and economic diversification to create new job opportunities.

        Local development projects in the world

        Click on the dots to find out about our projects around the globe. Use the tags below to filter them out.
        Case study
        Supporting communities in Mozambique

        Working with institutions and civil society organisations, we carry out initiatives for the socio-economic development and health of local communities.

        Raymond Tavares

        UNIDO representative in Central Africa, expert in innovation and international development, overseeing UNIDO projects in the area.

        The Oyo Centre of Excellence in the Republic of Congo is at the heart of a project that supports the growth of the country and the entire region through research and capacity building in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

        Our agri-feedstock projects

        We produce vegetable oil for biofuel production from the cultivation of degraded and rotational soils and the processing of agricultural, industrial and forestry waste. The extraction of vegetable oil from raw materials takes place in industrial plants known as agri-hubs. Two plants are already operational in Kenya.

          Seeds for Sustainable Energy

          With Joule, we are present in Kenya to support technology start-ups and help to develop innovative and inclusive local entrepreneurship.

          CCS for the decarbonisation of industry

          We consider Capture and storage of CO₂ (CCS) as a key lever for the energy transition, both for the decarbonization of its own operations and for third-party industries. We currently have active projects in the UK and Italy.

          Case studies

          HyNet North West (UK)

          The Liverpool Bay manufacturing district is the world's first low-emission industrial cluster. By 2030, we plan to store 10 mln/ton of CO2.

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          Eni for 2023 - Alliances for development
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